Who We Are


About Us

The Evangelical Baptist Convention (EBC) was born in 1948 at a little village called Sialbu in Southern Manipur, India. The pioneer Christians themselves reached their own tribes men with the gospel with much opposition from the village chiefs and the public. The amazing thing is that within 3 decades 95% of the entire region was Christianized.

At present EBC is composed of 148 local churches with a membership of 51,201 according to 2008 census.

1948 - Evangelical Baptist Convention was born at Sialbu village.
1950 - EBC standing Committee was formed at Songtal village.
1952 - women's Committee was formed at Mission Compound, CCPur.
1954 - Sunday School Committee was formed.
1956 - Music Committee was formed.
1963 - Printing Press Committee was formed.
1965 - Youth Committee was formed.
1965 - School Committee was formed.
1967 - Missionary Board was formed.
1970 - The first Hymnal Book was published.
1971 - Holy Bible in Paite was released, published by Bible Society of India.
1975 - EBC adopted its first ever constitution, hence administrative reform took place.
1975 - Convention decided to construct its administrative building which is known as Dorcas Hall.
1981 - Grace Bible College was established owned and supported by EBC.
1986 - EBC became fully self supporting by deciding to no longer take any foreign aid with the purpose of indigenization and not to isolation.
1999 - EBC accepted into Baptist family of ABF and BWA at Dresden, Germany. 2000 - EBC New Delhi local church inaugurated.
2002 - EBC accounts became fully computerized using TATA Ex-Next Generation i.e. internationally accepted Double Entry Accounting standard.
2003 - EBC Guwahati local church was born.
2007 - EBC Bangalore local church was inaugurated.

2017- EBC celebrated Missions Golden Jubilee and held the first Missionary Conference.

2021- Missions-Tuailai 2020 conference was held and 25 committed young men & women were commissioned for world mission.